3 Camping Essentials You Do Not Want To Forget At Home

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Choosing Healthier Food How long has it been since you ate a truly healthy meal? Although you might feel like you are a pretty healthy eater, it can surprise some people how many things they consume that aren't really that great for them. I began focusing more and more on choosing healthier food a few months back, and it was interesting to me to see how much better I felt simply by watching my intake. I wanted to start a great little blog all about being healthy and cooking in a way that lowers total calorie consumption, so I made this website. Check it out to improve your day!



When going on a camping trip, there are some essential items worth bringing along with you. These items will make your life a lot easier when you are spending more time outdoors and will not have access to the things you would normally have access to at home.

Wool Blanket

When sleeping in a tent, it may be the best idea to sleep with a wool blanket around your body. Although the temperature does drop at night, you may not feel as cool as you would if you were at home under the air conditioning, so sleeping with a wool blanket will help to keep you a lot cooler. The material is durable yet breathable, so you do not have to worry about feeling uncomfortably hot or uncomfortably cold at night when you are sleeping in your tent.

Cooking Utensils

Who says you can only eat canned food when you are camping? If you would like to go all out and enjoy delicious meals while on your adventure, you are going to need to bring the right camping utensils along with you. These utensils include a pot with a lid and a skillet. These are items you can easily use over the campfire to prepare some of your favorites, such as scrambled eggs, bacon, grilled sandwiches, and so much more.

Cooler Full of Dry Ice

It is a good idea to bring a cooler full of several pounds of dry ice with you when you are going camping. While you can pour traditional ice out in a cooler to keep food and beverages cool, the dry ice will keep items frozen, which may be important if you are traveling with different types of meat that you plan on cooking during your camping trip, such as chicken, beef, bacon, and other meats that are commonly prepared on the grill or over the campfire.

If you want to keep the items frozen for a longer period of time, put the food in the cooler first, cover the dry ice with several sheets of newspaper to keep it concealed, and then place the dry ice right on top of the food before closing the lid of the cooler and packing it in your vehicle for your camping adventure.

When you are going camping, these are some of the important items you are not going to want to forget at home. Make sure you are packing your wool blankets, bringing some cooking utensils, and purchasing dry ice to keep some of your food frozen and fresh before you get the chance to prepare it.

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